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Faith Group

Faith Group is an RE pupil voice group made up of a representative from each class in our Junior School. We meet every half term - sometimes we are joined by Mr Meehan or Mrs Caldwell (our RE link Governor). At faith group, we discuss each year group's RE learning through the half term, as well as Collective Worship, Chums and RE trips. We have also recently added discussion points relating to spirituality to the agenda of our meetings. There is always a time for children to share suggestions for further improving RE and Collective Worship in our school. 

Here are some quotes from our recent Faith Group Meetings over the last year:

"I like having debates because you can actually see the other person’s point of view. It helps you understand them so you can use this information later."

“I like ‘If I were a butterfly’ - it reminds us what God’s creation is and that we should remember him for what he created.”

 “The thinking deeper questions help bring your own worldview into things because you really think about the question.”

“I liked how in assemblies we have been listening to the songs when we are coming in - we like them!”

“I enjoy watching Open the Book [in Collective Worship] because sometimes the stories are played out, and you can see what happened”

Meeting Minutes

2024: Spring 2

26th March 2024

What have you been learning about in RE this term? What is your new topic?

“We learned about the Easter story. It was very fun but there was quite a lot of writing and drawing.” - Year 6

“It’s been interesting to learn about the Easter story - I enjoyed the debate about the different opinions.” - Year 6

“We learned about Christians going on pilgrimages as well.” - Year 6

“We’ve been learning about the symbols of Easter - e.g. Alpha and Omega. Alpha and Omega means that Christ is the beginning and end of all things. We’ve also been learning about what the cross represents.” - Year 5

“We were also learning about Good Friday and Maundy Thursday.” - Year 5

“We talked about Psalm Sunday and what happened - why they put leaves and things like that on the ground for Jesus.” - Year 5

“We’ve been learning about what community means to us.” - Year 4

“We’ve also been learning about why Christians celebrate Holy Communion in Church.” - Year 4

“We went to Christ Church to learn about this. We learned about different names of the parts of the church.” - Year 4

“We’ve been doing the Easter story and about Peter. We learned how Jesus felt and how Judas felt when someone gave him 30 pieces of silver. He would have felt guilty.” - Year 3

“One of his followers betrayed him.” - Year 3

What has helped you learn/best bits?

“I quite like the debates. They are really interesting and we learned about lots of different people’s faiths.” - Year 6

“I like the concept cartoons because it’s like a debate. Sometimes we do 4 people and I like having a tricky debate over things.” - Year 5

“I like having debates because you can actually see the other person’s point of view. It helps you understand them so you can use this information later.” - Year 6

What could make it even better?

“Probably more videos - we love the “eh oh” videos of Jesus. They go through the bits that we need to know.” - Year 5

“We should add more quizzes about RE” - Year 5

“It would be better if there was less writing and more pictures.” - Year 4

“If you add more videos and more learning. We would like to look up more photos of the stories that we are learning about.” - Year 3

What have you enjoyed about collective worship this term?

“Sometimes we do quizzes and we have to guess the images. They then explain why we have been shown that, and we understand it.” - Year 5

“Sometimes the actors act and we can see how it was actually like. We can picture the story.” - Year 4

“I like when Nathan tells us the stories about Jesus.” - Year 3

“I’d like more photos when Steven talks. I want Steven to talk more about Jesus.”

“I like the singing because we do the same songs and then we can get them into our heads and we don’t have to look at the screen again.” - Year 3

Is there any particular collective worship where you have learned something new?

“In Open the Book, they are stories that we already know, but other times they are stories that we have never heard of. It’s easy to understand how it would have been.” - Year 5

“I’ve learned something new in Open the Book. I think drama really helps because you can understand how the people actually felt if it was in real life.” - Year 6

“When I was in Year 2, I didn’t really learn anything, but in Year 3, it was new to me. We had worship leaders. I liked it when the board wasn’t working, and they just had to tell the story.” - Year 3

Which songs that we sing or listen to do you appreciate? What do they mean to you and why?

“‘Shine’, because it makes me shine! It shows the world that Jesus died on the cross for sins.” - Year 3

“‘Lord I lift your name on high’ because it explains the Easter story and how we should believe in the Easter story.” - Year 6

“I don’t really like funky music or sad music because sometimes it’s just loud and dramatic and sometimes the songs are too sad. I think maybe we should have a song that connects to our theme.” - Year 5

“Sometimes we sing the same songs too much - we should have more variety but still Christian songs.” - Year 5

“In my opinion, when it’s the morning, and I’m tired, I get woken up by ‘Spring Chicken’ and songs with actions” - Year 5

“If I were a butterfly shows all of God’s creation and how he created us” - Year 6

“I like Easter prayer because it’s a harmony and it sounds beautiful. It makes your joy shine out.” - Year 3

“I like lots of songs but I think we play the same ones too many times - we’d like more rotation please.” - Year 6

“I like ‘Come to the table’ because no matter who you are, you’re allowed to come to the table and there will always be a place for you.” - Year 6

“I like ‘If I were a butterfly’ - it reminds us what God’s creation is and that we should remember him for what he created.” - Year 4

Our next theme is looking at our spirituality - what do you understand about being spiritual?

“I’m guessing it is when you show compassion?” - Year 4

“I think it’s something about faith.” - Year 3

“When you say spirituality, I first think of visions because you’re kind of looking with your spirit not your eyes.” - Year 6

“I think spirituality might be about an activity like meditation.” - Year 5

“I’m guessing it’s when Jesus died on the cross and how it’s like a spirit.” - Year 3

“I think spirituality is where your spirit is. If you’re praying, you pray to your God, and that is where you spirit is” - Year 5

“It kind of sounds like the Holy Spirit” - Year 3

Questions for next meeting

What do you think about prayer in Collective Worship? Do we be quiet enough in collective worship?

What could be made even better? 

What impact has the iShare theme had on you and your friends?


2024: Spring 1

19th January 2024

What have you been learning about in RE this term? What is your new topic?

Year 3 – “We have been learning about a story about Goliath the Giant. We learned that he defeated a giant because he knew that God would protect him from danger.” “We’ve been learning about famous people’s lives and whether they are Christians or not. We’ve been learning about why they became Christians.”

Year 4 – “We’ve been learning that God chose Abraham as the founder of the Jewish faith. He had to go to Cannan and he would have loads of children. Visitors also came and told him that he would have children.” “We have been learning about why God chose Abraham.”

Year 5 – “In Year 5, we have been learning about Islam - the religion of Muslims. We’ve been watching videos and wrote what we know about Islam. Then we wrote down what Muslims believe, like Muslims believe the last prophet is a person called Mohammad.” “There are 73 different types of Muslims. Yahyah told me that he was a different type of Muslim because his family believe that there was another prophet after Mohammad so they are not really recognised as Muslims. The holy book is the Quran and we have the Bible and they have the 5 pillars and we have the 10 commandments. They have different prayer days.”

Year 6 - “We’ve been learning about Islam. We did the 5 pillars of Islam and we have also learned about different worldviews and commitments.”

What has helped you learn/best bits?

Year 3 – “Jesus feeding the 5 thousand because we watched a video and it helped me learn because I didn’t know the story before.” “It helps me learn about God and Jesus and about other religions.”

Year 4 – “The videos and also drawings to explain what I understand and it helps me understand. Drawing the pictures helps me too.”

Year 5 – “I would say the fun videos because there are some funny bits because it engages you into the videos.” “We watch one two minute video and it crams a lot into the video.” “In RE, it’s more fun to watch videos - I’m not good at drawing but illustrations help me because when I’m drawing, it makes me feel happy because it’s small and simple and it looks good.”

Year 6 - “The thinking deepers help and bring your own worldview into things because you really think about the question.”

What could make it even better?

Year 3 – “More thinking - by focusing and being more steadying.” AH suggested some challenge questions. “I would like to know more about God and Jesus and other religions - I want to know more about what they do.”

Year 4 – “More pictures so everyone could understand.” “Less writing.”

Year 5 – “Make concept cartoons more different - it’s always ‘who do you think is right?’ - it would be better if the person answering could think more about others. Sometimes there is a debate, because sometimes the different people are not one bad and one good.” “True and false questions, not just debates because you have to explain a lot and I’m not a fan of that.” “When I was in Year 3 and 4, we did more Christianity and when I was at that age, I wanted to know more. I already knew about these Bible stories and I wanted to know more information about them.”

Year 6 - “I think, I like it when we write down what we think because it makes us think about why we really think that.”

What have you enjoyed about collective worship this term?

“I am a Muslim and I like that worship help you learn more about prophets.”

“I like it when it’s interactive rather than just sitting there hearing someone speak”

“I like Open the Book - can they do it twice a week?”

What could be made even better? 

“Maybe if they get some stuff out so we could do some more acting.”

“I like Mr Burkinshaws when he adds a fun thing at the beginning and it leads on to what he is going to say.”

“I think I Share learning themes are good, but the same stories are sometimes repeated.”

“I think they should give you a little reminder of previous I Share learning themes, because when there’s a new one, you may forget the old one.” “It’s important to look back at other ones to help you memorise them.”